9 Days to Go: A Date with Bruce Willis

Last night we had a cat-centric date at our friend Tara’s place.  Her cat, Bruce Willis, is adorable and quite possibly the calmest cat I’ve ever met.  We were treated to a delicious home-made meal and hunkered down to watch Die Hard and Die Hard 2 with Bruce!

23 Days to Go: Holiday Party

Last night was Ewan’s office holiday party.  He works in the tv industry and his work throws pretty big lavish bashes (compared to my work hour festive lunches).  The elements of this year’s party included: After coat check, a red carpet including 3 photographers, one cameraman and an interviewer complete with a microphone stopping every…

26 Days to Go: Parapluies Perdus

Ewan here, making a rare contribution… As I’ve previously mentioned, one of my obsessions is taking pictures of broken and/or discarded umbrellas. I’m not sure if I’m anthropomorphizing too much but they give off a sense of abandonment and melancholy. It seems that people get so frustrated when an object (that really only serves one…

Rick Mercer Report

When we first moved to Toronto, we thought it was interesting to be living in a city that has several travel tours, including the typical hop on-hop off double-decker bus tours that seem to be the standard in major touristy cities (this comes from our experience growing up in Calgary where most visitors to the…

Nuit Blanche

This past weekend was Toronto’s 8th Nuit Blanche; the sunset to sunrise event of art installations around the downtown core.  This was my 4th and Ewan’s 3rd since moving to the city; our first was in 2009 when we’d only be living here for a few months.  We were blown away with the transformation of…

A Weekend in Windsor

Despite having my name in the title of the blog this will officially be my first written post. Emily has thus far been the mastermind, but I figured it was about time I gave this a try. So bear with me as I’m not accustomed to writing anything other than interoffice emails. So with that…