15 Days to Go: Holiday Traditions

Every year our dear friends Jason and Kaileah host an epic holiday meal where they make delicious entrees for a whole host of guests. It’s always been special to get together and enjoy the holiday season. As 2013 winds down, this year’s annual event marked significant changes for our regular gang.  Aside from us being…

19 Days to Go: Reflections on 2013

2013 was a good year.  A year that I can’t believe will be done in a matter of a couple weeks. Here are some highlights: We were lucky to do some traveling. This time taking us to Cuba, to both explore, as well as celebrate the marriage of two of our dearest friends.  We had…

23 Days to Go: Holiday Party

Last night was Ewan’s office holiday party.  He works in the tv industry and his work throws pretty big lavish bashes (compared to my work hour festive lunches).  The elements of this year’s party included: After coat check, a red carpet including 3 photographers, one cameraman and an interviewer complete with a microphone stopping every…

25 Days to Go: Thoughts on our Jobs

One risk associated with our decision to travel for a year is the lack of a guarantee that our jobs would be held for us. Taking a break in our careers could mean that we have to restart all over again when we get back (I’ve read many an article about the struggle women face…

On those we’ll miss

I’m on my way to Ottawa; the purpose of the trip is business, but with family up there, including my grandfather, I am extending my visit to get some last minute quality time in before we begin our epic journey. We are lucky; earlier in November we had a visit from Ewan’s parents (and his…

Birthday and Travel Gear

This past week I celebrated my birthday and I had an excellent weekend celebrating, including a great Ethiopian meal with friends, a Barbeque potluck at a friend’s patio and games at Snakes and Lattes.  I was treated to a homemade breakfast and tasty dinner, beautiful flowers from my parents AND… the start of some important…

How to Cottage

1) Have friends with a cottage connection. 2) Bring a crapload of food.   Have a gluttonous meals all day every day.  Eat outdoors whenever possible. 3) Have provisions and entertainment for bad weather. 4) Fireworks, especially for national holidays, are a must. 5) Enjoy the lake. 6) Participate in the annual ‘beer croquet’ tournament with…