A Parisian Day of the Dead

Point One: The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday. It’s where families come together to celebrate and remember loved ones who have passed on. Point Two: The Day of the Dead commences at November 1 and ends November 2. Okay, so why the heck are we writing about the Day of the Dead?…

The Art in Paris Isn’t Just in the Museums

Hello people. After documenting a small portion of the graffiti and street art in Toronto, Bogota, Valparaiso, and Buenos Aires, it was inevitable that I would pick out my favourite shots from Paris. We spent about three weeks in ‘La Ville-Lumiere’ providing many pictures of great street art. Perhaps my favourite recurring artist is Invader, he…

A Belated World Cup Post

Hello. This is a Ewan here, finally got my act together, I’ve been meaning to post about the World Cup for a while now. Like any good Canadian, I’m a huge hockey fan (go Flames!), but I grew up playing soccer. I was a mediocre to average goal keeper for most of my youth. As…

And Now For Something Completely Different

Okay, well not too different. We are still traveling folks. But Elvis has left the building, or rather, E-double has left South America. We are North of the Equator. What is this humidity and heat?! But I am getting ahead of myself. We are mere days away from ringing in six months on the road.…

Is La Boca Worth a Visit?

La Boca is one of the barrios (neighbouhoods) in Buenos Aires, so called because Boca means ‘mouth’ and this barrio is located at the mouth of the Riachuelo River. The area started off primarily as shipyards and home to Spanish and Italian immigrants. We were drawn to the area for two main reasons. One, the…

Natural Wonder of the World: Iguazu Falls

South America boasts two of the ‘New Wonders of the World’: Christ the Redeemer in Rio and Machu Picchu in Peru. It also holds some of the ‘New Wonders of Nature’, Iguazu Falls and the Amazon River. We’d known long ago that we HAD to see Iguazu Falls as we knew we’d end our South…

Resisting Resistencia: How do we count the ways?

When travelling, we like to think we are very open to new experiences and happy to explore whatever the locale has to offer. In fact, it is a rare occasion when we reach a place and find ourselves hating it. The closest we came to saying “never again” was likely when we were stuck in…

Paris Je T’aime

Ask anyone, and they will have a favourite city…or maybe even a few. The latter case is true for me. My favourite city (thus far) in the world is a three way tie between Montreal, Paris and New York. There are so many other cities that are valiant contenders just a slight notch or two…

Valparaiso: Who Needs A Canvas When You Have Walls?

Hello there. This is Ewan at the helm for a post about the outstanding street art here in Valparaiso. We’d heard from a few people before arriving about the abundance of graffiti and I was excited. As you may know I’ve only written two previous posts for the blog and they were both on the…

We Love Santiago

  Santiago has been perfect. I would even hazard to say that it is my favourite city (so far) in South America. It’s not as though we’ve taken advantage of everything there is to see and do here. But the city just has a feel to it that we love. I am sure our love…